PeetiePie Donates to Our House – Santa’s Elves :)

Things at my “real job” have been very busy for the past 2 weeks and I was afraid that maybe I wouldn’t be able to meet my goal for these kids…….but in the end it all worked out and we dropped everything off on December 18th instead of the December 14th planned date.

Countless hours were spent making 70 stuffed animals and hats over the past few weeks. My husband and 2 of my sons helped stuff the stuffed animal parts while I was sewing pretty much nonstop in the background.   I was very fortunate that a few of my coworkers were able to donate their time and help make hats for this donation effort.  Always amazed at how others just pitch in and help, even though they also work full time (thanks ladies!).

A special thanks to my sweet, sweet husband who lived this craziness alongside me – he helped stuff parts, stuff holiday bags with hats/stuffed animals, shop for toys, load the “sleigh” and help deliver the items.  He also was solo on bath time duty with  our 1 & 3 year old girls for over a week while I cranked out as much as I could with every spare moment I had when I was not working my “day job”.

For this donation, each of the 70 kids received a new handmade hat, new handmade stuffed animal and one new toy each off of their wish lists.

And now to enjoy a few weeks off from work with my family……  🙂

Happy Holidays!

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